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Graduation Ceremonies are scheduled for the following dates.

Monday, 27 June – TRC Class

Monday, 27 June – 5th Grade

Tuesday, 28 June – 8th Grade

One cannot underestimate the significance of such a moment as every student’s journey towards graduation is filled with all sorts of trials and challenges.  Graduation is not so much an ending but a new beginning. For  young students it is a transition from babyhood to grade school, for grade school students, graduation is the beginning of their adolescent adventures as they let go of their parents’ embrace and test their wings in high school.   For parents it is a symbol of achievement and meeting goals.

Should your student attend the graduation?  Of course they should!  It gives them confidence, it validates their success, and it gives them the chance to be with their classmates one last time before they go their own ways.

We hope to see each of you at the graduation ceremony!